Monday, September 25, 2006

Good Luck, Dear Buck

Fall days are back and the deer are restless. I first noticed it yesterday. The does were running back and forth across the back of our property--very agitated.

The same happened this morning, but more deer--about a dozen. It was the first time the maturing fawns had witnessed such and event; they were running around kicking up their heels, as their mothers ran wildly about. Not a time to be close to them.

Then I saw the buck amongst them. He was really being a creep. Lips curled back showing his teeth, he was chasing after the does and nipping them. This is the start of the annual ritual--the tests to see which bucks get special privileges.

After watching the buck being a very aggressive ladies man, I saw that he had only four points--two on each side of his rack.

Good luck, dear buck. Wait till those 20+ pointers show up.


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