Thursday, October 19, 2006

Chris at Safeway

I set down my gallon of milk at the grocery checkout counter. The clerk with the nametag "Chris" asked in a somber tone if I had my Preferred Card.

"How ya doin'?'" I asked as I handed her my card.

"Terrible. I hate this job, this store, this management. I'm going to get out of here as soon as I can."

"How much longer?"

"As soon as I can pay some bills and get out. Such a waste--a college dregree and I am doing this."

"What did you graduate in?"

"Statics and Management. This is dull, dull, dull."

"You must make a difference somehow..."

"No, nothing, I can't make a difference, I don't make a difference."


A few days later I heard on the radio that the grocery clerks were voting on whether to go out on strike. Maybe Chris is usually just a cheerful checkout clerk.

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