During my annual physical, my doctor prescribed a lung capacity test as a base line. The doctor left, and two nurses entered the room with an electronic whizmo which does the test.
One nurse demonstrated how to blow into the tube connected to the whizmo, saying that I would do the same test three times.
Test one. I filled up my lungs and blew and blew into the tube. The nurse looked at the whizmo printout and showed it to the other nurse. They said they had never seen such a result -- so much air and for so long.
Test two. Since I had done well the first time, this excersise had become a contest--like trying to hit the carnival gong in front of one's girl friend. I pumped up my lungs, added another breath, and blew into the tube as hard and as long as I could.
Showing the second nurse the printout, the first nurse said that she had never seen such a result; the meter was pegged.
Test three. I was well prepared, and blew hard into the tube. Nothing registered. We tried the test two more times with no result. The machine was busted. Well, maybe whizmo just had to have it's power turned off and on.
I know, I know. This story is all about me. But, it is something to brag about my old friends down at the coffee shop.
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