Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Good bye Christie

When I ordered at Panera's yesterday, I asked Nicole if she had heard anything from Christie. Excitedly, she told me, "Her water broke overnight." Great news, I thought—as the petite 22-year-old had grown uncomfortably pregnant, working till last Saturday—just one week before her due date. Everyone just wanted it to be over.
When I walked into Panera's early last Saturday morning, Christie had already prepared my regular order (as well as that of Tom the student who had walked in with me), rung up our sales, and from memory keyed in our phone numbers to credit our Panera cards. We asked how she was doing, and she told us she hadn't slept well last night and spent the night eating pineapple—old wives' advice she had heard which would induce delivery.
As Tom and I ate our bagels, we were joined by Jeff the Manager and together we lamented the loss of Christie. Jeff told us what we already knew: Christie is a gem of an employee who takes on added responsibility and is always an ambassador for the restaurant. She will not return after her baby is born, because she just graduated with an assistant veterinarian degree and will return home to Springfield, Missouri. Jeff said it will be very difficult to find a replacement with her skills, work ethic and attitude.
I just heard that Christie had baby Conner yesterday afternoon. So, on Saturday she ate labor inducing pineapple and came in to work her last day. Sunday night she started labor and gave birth on Monday. That is just what I would expect of Christie.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Long Hair

The woman waiting at the pharmacy held her handsome toddler son somewhat like a sack of potatoes. He had beautiful skin with pink cheeks, an impish grin and very long curly and unruly black hair. I smiled saying, "Now that's some hair."

"Yeah--he's not getting a haircut till his dad comes home."


"In four months he'll be back from Afghanistan."