The moment my daughter Rebecca walked into Target, her three week-old son started to shriek, followed by her 19 month-old daughter. She had ventured out alone for the first time with two children.
The kids continued to act out with no concern for their stressed out mom. Looking over the top of her glasses, a woman looked around the aisle corner and clucked, "Oh...I was worried that the children were abandoned." Rebecca spent a total of eight minutes in Target before she fled.
On her way home she listened to a radio talk-show caller radio, who, believe it or not, said she worked at Target. When asked what things bugged her at work; the caller carped, "Those mothers with out-of-control children."
Yesterday, as I sat in the YMCA foyer, a woman with kids about the ages of Rebecca came in and sat down near me. I told her and a couple of other women the story about Rebecca at Target. Everyone could relate and were amused. Then a woman told the following:
A woman stood at the checkout counter with her daughter in the cart and a line of people behind her. Her daughter started a terrible tantrum with a loud scream.
Her mother spoke, "Relax, Maria... Everything is going to be okay... Take a deep breath... Let it go, Maria..."
The woman behind her said, "I can't believe how calm you are with your daughter Maria."
The mother explained, "That's Emily; I'm Maria."